Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm a writer and I am writing an advice book for young women. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I may not have a PhD but I have been there and done that. I am trying to write an advice book for young women. It may be a hit, it may not but I need some guidance. I usually give good advice but I need some advice questions. They could be from young women or adults, I just need questions the I can answer giving my advice to. They can deal with anything...Friends, Family, Death, Drugs, School, Boyfriends....anything. Even if the question is not your own but you think it would be a very common question, please ask, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!I'm a writer and I am writing an advice book for young women. Does anyone have any suggestions?
What do you do/say to a friend who says she drinks or does drugs?

How do you deal with peer pressure?

Ways to see signs of a predator or stay safe when alone.

I think advice on how to help friends with problems is important.

I'm a real advocate of good old-fashioned manners, so I think it would be nice to have a manners section, especially cell-phone etiquette and how to treat adults.

I'm eighteen and I think that's a great idea. Anything that can help young people today is great. Oh, one more thing, talk about sex and the consequences since I think there should be more talk about that. Thank you so much, I think your idea is great and I hope it's a success!I'm a writer and I am writing an advice book for young women. Does anyone have any suggestions?
My advice to you about writing a book is pick a subject that you know.
If you have to ask for advice here, maybe you should stick with a topic you know more about.

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