I have been in a relationship with this woman for six months. She is about 8 years older than me and currently married. I know this sounds bad but she has not lived with him for over a year now. She says he helps her pay her bills. She says she cares for me but she does not want our relationship out in the open because she has kids and they dont approve of me. She says maybe in the future. I lost the love of my life over her.(another story) I know its not her fault but she persued me for months and i caved. Now this is what I got. I cant figure her out, she wants me but only at night,,,ha ha ,,i know thats not a bad thing...but I am starting to feel like the played instead of the player.Confused about my partners intentions. I have been dating this woman for six months. Need advice?
uggg that whole situation is just complicated and most likey you deserve someone that would treat you better than just having you when she wants to. Plus you lost the love of your life. Sound like the grass wasnt greaner on the other side. I would have a talk and find out her intentions. If she really has none then you better stop wasting time and find someone that can make you happy 100% of the time and someone good enough that you wont cave if you start getting pursued again. Good luck!!Confused about my partners intentions. I have been dating this woman for six months. Need advice?
Sounds to me like she wants her cake and eat it to!You are her bootie call!!!
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