Saturday, July 31, 2010

I would like some advice form anypregnant women who have been prescribed medication for severe morning sickn?

i am 9 weeks pregnant and from about 6 weeks i have been really sick ,to the point that i cannot go to work and mostly lay on my back for the last 3 weeks, i could not keep any food or liquid down and vomited all day even when i hadnt eaten, so i got something from the pharmacy it was called emetrol and it helped a bit at first, but i needed to take 4 spoons every hour for it to help me keep food and liquid down so i went to a different pharmacy and they gave me something gynies recomend its called ASIC it helped alot but i am still getting sick, but much less, the only problem is i feel like ive had strong flu tablets as the side efect of this pill is sedation, so either way im not functioning, i hardly eat, by 12 in the afternoon ive only had one slice of bread, has anyone else been perscribed meds what where they did they help and were there any side effects, i just want to do some research before i get to the doctor as to my disapointment the doctors are not as up to date as i would like lots of people say oh you cant take anything, but i know thats not true, and i will land up in hospital if i dont do something about this. thanks for your adviceI would like some advice form anypregnant women who have been prescribed medication for severe morning sickn?
The medicine the doctor gave me worked okay, but made me really drowsy. He said if it didn't help there was a better prescription and didn't cause drowsiness but insurance wouldn't cover it unless I tried the other one and it didn't work.

I would just try to keep eating. Ultimately, that is what helped me with my twins. I was running my stomach too low on food and that is what made me nauseous then when I did eat it was too heavy and the stomach didn't know what to do with it and I ended up throwing up. I even had to wake up in the middle of the night and eat like a granola bar. If I ignored it when I started to get a little nauseous and didn't eat something it was like asking to get sick.

Ask your doctor if there is another anti-nausea medication you can try. Just remember to keep drinking water so you don't get dehydrated. I had severe morning sickness with my first pregnancy, all 9 months (that doctor never suggested the meds for it). With my girls it only lasted the first 3 months till I figured out what was causing it, the little munchers kept zapping every bit of nutrients I had in me.I would like some advice form anypregnant women who have been prescribed medication for severe morning sickn?
I had severe morning sickness during the first 5 months of my pregnancy and my doctor prescribed me a medication called Zofran. It is also used for chemo patients for nausea and is safe for pregnant women. It worked great for me, the only downside is it will constipate you pretty bad and if your insurance doesn't cover the cost it is very expensive. It really helped me a lot though. I was to the point where I couldn't even hold down a sip of water and I had to be put in the hospital for dehydration. Then when I started taking Zofran I was fine! Hope this helps and hope your sickness gets better. Congrats to you on your pregnancy!

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