Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice for a 47 yr old married woman suddenly finding that she is in love with a woman much younger?

I was in almost the same situation, except the woman was my age. I was married with children, and had to make some tough decisions in order to be true to myself and happy at last. I no longer live to please others. My advice to you is to make thoughtful decisions, then don't look back. You can't make everyone happy all the time. Good luck!Any advice for a 47 yr old married woman suddenly finding that she is in love with a woman much younger?
Look for a group called LOVE WON OUT

they will not force you into anything but if you want help they can give it.Any advice for a 47 yr old married woman suddenly finding that she is in love with a woman much younger?
I would ask you if you are sure it is love and not infatuation? You are married, and none of us know what kind of relationship you have with your husband. Would he be fine with you having another relationship with this woman? If he doesn't then it is cheating. It doesn't matter whether it is a woman or a man - cheating is cheating. So you really have a decision to make, and if your husband is your best friend and you can trust him maybe you should speak to him about this.
What will your husband and kids say?
you make me sick.

1. you're gay.

2. you're already married but you love somebody else.

3. you're 47 years old and love someone much younger!!

4. you are married to a man but in love with a woman!!

you digust me.

go get help.
Wow, what a dilemma. First and foremost, you are still married. I can understand your feelings for another woman. Maybe you have been in your marriage for a long time and maybe you are feeling curious about women for whatever reason. Just remember if you have sexual relations outside your marriage with anyone it's still adultery. However, you may want to test the water before you jump in! If I were you, I would make absolutely sure that you feel like you say you do and that she feels the same way also. If you haven't made love to her yet then I suggest you do before you make any irrational decisions that will affect your husband and kids (if you have kids). Your story sounds very erotic. Hope you can work it out. Good luck!
even though i am a lesbian, i dont think it is right for older married women to take advantage of younger women, just coz they are bored with their husband
Defininatly, e-mail me and we'll talk!!!!! eilwynnfey@yahoo

Don't listen to broken_heart, theres nothing wrong with you!
GO SLOWLY. Been there, done that. Make absolutely sure this is what you want. You will be making major changes that you can't take back. My best to you.

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