Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice on the best support cushions to get for a 35 wk pregnant woman?


Lately, as baby has been getting bigger - when I lie on my side at night, fall asleep and then turn over to my back in the night - my stomach aches. Its from all the weight being on one side with all my muscles and ligaments stretching.

I have been meaning to purchase a good cushion or two for a long time but it never bothered me as much as it has been the last few nights.

Any advice would be welcome - even if its not about a cushion or some procedures.

ThanksAdvice on the best support cushions to get for a 35 wk pregnant woman?
Mothercare do a wedge pillow that I found really useful. It gently props up the stomach to stop it from drooping down and causing the pain you described.Advice on the best support cushions to get for a 35 wk pregnant woman?
I purchased a Dream Geni maternity pillow from Amazon.co.uk and its great for support for your sides, back and legs ans stops you from rolling on to your back. It costs around 拢25 but I have slept well since I bought this pillow and never sleep without it at nights!

Otherwise, just place a pillow under your lower back, one between your thighs and two on either side to cushion your bump.

It helps also to do some gentle leg stretching before you sleep to keep your circulation going smoothly.

there is a big pillow i cant remember wat its called but you can bye them there made for pregnant wimen and it goes under your head around your boobs and under your belly for suport and then rests between your legs like a big 9 looking thing if you cant find one see if a tri pillow works the v or u shaped ones

I have a memory foam pad on top of my mattress it really helps a lot maybe if you don't already have get a body pillow. The pillow has helped me to stay off my back.
Cheaper than the boppy's but same effect, I loved it!

I used a pillow, at 35 weeks it would be a waste of money as you could go anytime - I would buy a ring type for sitting on afterwards.

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